Club Officers 2025
Club Patron: Fr. Jim Walsh (098) 41270
President: John Feehan
Vice President: Pete Feehan
Chairperson: John McDonald (087) 247 5733
Vice Chairperson: To be filled
Secretary: Mary Slattery (087) 206 9772
Assistant Secretary: To be filled
Joint Treasurers: Kathleen Murphy (087) 915 8866 & Maura Hastings (087) 213 9779
Assistant Treasurer: Noreen Johnston
Childrens Officer: Majella O’Malley (087) 203 7138
Club PRO: Caragh Ryan (086) 209 4152
Club Registrar: Lucy O'Malley (087) 947 4897
Club Coaching Officer: Darren Madden (087) 288 8744
Healthy Club Officer: Emma Jane Gill (086) 660 6005
Development and Planning Officer: Willie Keaveney (086) 259 2837
Irish Language & Cultural Officer: Róisín Carney (086) 216 3896
Safety Officer: Mike Slattery (087) 238 4200
County Board Delegate: Kevin Barrett (087) 262 2907
West Board Delegate: Kevin Barrett 087 262 2907
Chairman Bord na nÓg & LGFA: Pete Mortimer (087) 957 9577
Secretary Bord na nÓg & LGFA: Majella Mulchrone (087) 224 4857
LGFA PRO: Rachel Keane (087) 090 0013 & Annie Morrin (087) 228 4226
LGFA County Board Delegates: Mairead Durkan (087) 988 2459
& Colm Barrett (087) 028 9777
Bord na nÓg County Board Delegate: Darren Madden (087) 288 8744
& Pete Mortimer (087) 957 9577
Senior Players Representatives: Paul Groden & Lucy O'Malley
Boys/Mens Football
Coach/Contact 2025
Senior: Damien Egan
U18: John Doherty (087) 286 1190
U16: Jim Cannon (087) 6849965
U14: Michael Gavin (087) 971 7516
U12: Brian McManamon (087) 977 6854
U10: Sean Kelly (087) 113 2135
U8 / Nursery: Hugh Kelly (087) 436 6577
Girls/Ladies Football
Coach/Contact 2025
Senior: John O'Grady (086) 367 0737
Minors: John O'Grady (086) 367 0737
U16: Mairead Durkan (087) 870 5456
U14: Mairead Durkan (087) 870 5456
U12: TBC
U10: John Moore (087) 614 7358
U8 / Nursery: Darren Madden (087) 288 8744
Rounders 2025
Secretary: Noleen Coughlan (087) 922 6087